Saturday, May 14, 2005


you've probably already figured this out, but jesus IS NOT my savior. Gadi is. although I'D LOVE to speak with jesus, because i'm quite certain that those who claim to follow him and his teachings, don't have a fucking clue how jesus would really behave in the 21st century, but that's a whole other blog. today, i'm going to tell you about MY savior, Gadi. i had car trouble today. it happened it a good place, close to Gadi. turns out i may need an alternator, which i was told cost $420. then i called Gadi, and he told me he can get me one for $175. i don't know if this repair will be covered under my warranty. i'll find that out monday. in the meantime, i was stranded, until Gadi told me i could use his car. the gas tank was only 1/4 full, so i filled it up for $40. but the bottom line is that Gadi saved me today. and this wasn't the first time. he has saved me before. he is like a brother to me, and i absolutely would help him out in any way i could. i highly recommend if anybody requires quality transportation, they should call A Valley Cabousine at 760-340-5845. i guess i'll get my car fixed in a week or so, if all goes according to planned. i'm just so glad that i have a friend and savior in Gadi. he'll sure benefit when i win the lotto. in the meantime when you do speak with jesus, please inform him that frank landfield would like an appointment. thank you.

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