Thursday, August 30, 2007

i've been recently diagnosed with high cholesterol. my doctor wants to do a "special" blood test on me which must be sent to the mayo clinic, in minnesota!, for analysis.
now i really feel special.

is there nobody in california who can do this? no facility, like, oh, say, cedars sinai or ucla med center? minnesota?

granted, the mayo clinic is a top rated hospital, but hey, so is eisenhower medical center. ain't they got a blood expert there?!

anyway, i'm grateful and fortunate and honored to have this fine medical care.
never mind what it cost me out of pocket.

this is a whole other subject for another time!

but seriously, perhaps national health care coverage FOR EVERYBODY does make sense? what do you think?

stay tuned for the blood test results.


p.s. by the way, did you get your FREE SICKO health care card yet? get them at,

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