despite what i read, hear, see, feel, and know, i must disagree with 99% of the people on planet earth when they declare that george w. bush IS our greatest fear. we simply cannot give him that. we'll give him number two instead. he's our 2nd greatest fear. our number one greatest fear is fear itself. no doubt you've heard this before. we fear so many silly things in our minute lives. in my forthcoming book, "fear clear", i detail EXACTLY what you should fear, AS WELL AS what you should NOT fear. here are some examples.
you should NOT fear: people with a different skin color than you. the truth. love. peace.
you SHOULD FEAR: guns. the fact that america has more guns per person than any other country. politicians who tell you to fear certain things. karl rove. the insane debt this administration is creating. your grandchildren's future.
you should NOT fear: those who tell you to shut up. speaking the truth. standing up for equal rights. the world wide web.
i speak with people each and every day who tell me of their great fear for the future. i am comforted to know that not everybody is blind. after nearly five years of this "BUSHIT", people are waking up. i'm saddened americans took longer to see this than most of the rest of the world. but perhaps americans did see this, and were simply to fearful and ashamed to say anything?
people are talking now. people are suffering, and dying. the great collective wisdom of planet earth is shouting at us, and we can no longer pretend to be deaf. every morning i wake up fooling myself that i've seen it all, and every day this shameful administration reminds me i have not. in 1776 there was a revolution. you may have heard and/or read something about it. in 2006 there will be another one. it's beginning now. i sincerely hope you'll be a part of it.
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