Friday, October 30, 2009

a picture truly is worth a thousand words and then some!

Happy Birth Day

Dear Baby Noa,
Welcome to your universe, and it is YOUR universe, because you can be whoever you want to be, and you can do whatever you want to do. More specifically, welcome to planet Earth. We call her Mother.
You no doubt already know quite a bit about your birth parents.
Since you've been floating around inside your Mom for nine months, you've picked up a lot. As adults, we don't even know all that babies learn while in the womb. We're all still learning here. And speaking of learning, you'll be doing a lot of that every day of your life. I have read that babies born today, (you were born yesterday, October 29th, 2009), are expected to live 100 years or more! And speaking of 100 years, you will soon meet your Great Grandma Jessica who is almost 100! You've got the longevity genes Baby!
I am your Great Uncle Frank. You'll learn more about me as time goes by. One day I shall show you a photo of your Mom on my lap when she was about six months old. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy that! There are lots of things I can tell you. We will have lots of time for that. You should know this: You have lots of cousins! You've been born into a big familia! Your every move will be broadcast worldwide. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, not only do you have a village, but most of the villagers are your relatives. After all, we are all brothers and sisters. I have yet to determine if I'll write to you daily, monthly, or annually, on your Birth Day.
I'll get back to you on that. In the meantime, you enjoy all the new things coming your way. Mama and Papa will be there to cradle and cuddle you, and you can always text me! By the way, you will soon meet your canine brothers and sisters, so go easy on them. You will receive a package or two from us when you least expect it. We like surprising you. Your very arrival was quite a surprise in of itself. We waited and waited and waited! And now here you are. So welcome again, and we look forward to meeting you soon.
P.S. We love you!
Great Uncle Frank y Great Aunt Christyann

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 generations in Vegas (1 photo), by frank landfield

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Sunday, October 18, 2009

worth reading i think

prevention magazine, november 2009, page 79 to 85, the article "7 foods that should never cross your lips"
peace out.
on YouTube under "franklandfields"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hugh's Views

Hugh’s Views


In lieu of an article this month, the following quote is submitted for your consideration:

“The best way of preparing for the future is to take good care of the present, because we know that if the present is made up of the past, then the future will be made up of the present. All we need to be responsible for is the present moment. Only the present is within our reach. To care for the present is to care for the future.”
--Thich Nhat Hanh (Buddhist monk)

This quote embodies what Buddhists mean by mindfulness. If one can fully appreciate, understand, and apply the meaning of these few sentences, it will change your life. But be aware that accomplishing mindfulness is a lot more difficult than simply understanding the meaning of this quote.

--Hugh R. Winig, M.D.



I LOVE bagels, always have, always will.

When I was younger I rarely, if ever, thought about doing dishes or dirty laundry. In fact, I cannot remember EVER doing dishes or dirty laundry. I had too many other things to do, primarily revolving around fun. I had a wonderful childhood from what I choose to recall.

Today I LOVE doing dishes and dirty laundry. And bagels.
My life still primarily revolves around having fun even though my fun has changed.

When I was young, I LOVED to water ski and ride my horse. I can no longer do that. I think the last time I water-skied I was 18. I could ski slalom, on one ski, or on two skis. I have it on film and I watch it occasionally for old times sake. I am quite certain I can’t even get on a horse. I prefer my neck unbroken, thank you very much.

I used to LOVE to inline skate. I have finished a half marathon AND a full marathon on skates and have the medals to prove it. (A year apart. I needed to rest up after the half marathon, and train for the full marathon!) After a few falls I decided that perhaps my skating days were over, even though men and women older than I continue to skate. We’re all different.

Now I LOVE to walk and I LOVE even more my golf cart.
I’m finding that as we progress through time (age) we love different things. Our bodies are in a constant state of change and to a certain extent dictate exactly what we can do from one year to the next.

I find doing dishes and dirty laundry very rewarding and refreshing. I love that squeaky-clean sound a dish makes, and the smell of a freshly washed article of clothing. There may be something wrong with me; or not.

As we evolve (age) we find that different things catch our attention. What we used to like and love and do no longer interests us. We discover new likes and loves. We find other things to do, things that we can actually do.

The great UCLA coach and author John Wooden has said:

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

This is one rule I try to live by. There are others, but none better than this one. What does it mean exactly?
It means obviously something a bit different for everybody. Basically though I think it means that we must focus on what we’re good at. We cannot waste our time on things we cannot do because they will only interfere with those things that we can do. I am not saying that we cannot learn new things. This is always true. We can always learn new things.

I have a friend who is now focused on becoming a Grandpa. This was not always his focus. He evolved into it with help. He is also a published writer with a book that sells!

As we grow from one year to the next, our focus changes, if we can focus at all.

I used to water ski. Now I LOVE doing dishes and going on long walks and riding around in my golf cart, and I LOVE bagels. What does it all mean? I haven’t a clue.

This life is a journey. I suspect the next one is too. I'm not sure how many lives we have, but I am certain that we can only live one at a time. It may even come down to moments, one moment at a time, one after the other.

In the meantime, I continue to do dishes, dirty laundry, walk, golf cart, and LOVE bagels. How about you? What do you love?

October 15, 2009, Thursday, Palm Desert, California
on YouTube under “franklandfields”
Enjoy. Peace.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

reform schmorm!

do we really need health care reform? you tell me. everybody has their own perspective on this one.
people with premium health care usually don't think anything needs to change. after their premium, they don't pay a penny more for anything. some of our senators don't think anything needs to change either. they have fantastic health care. how about you? do you pay for anything? well here's an experience i had today, and i am now convinced, even more so than before, we NEED health care reform.
i have been volunteering in schools for thirty years. i've even been a substitute teacher. i had a negative TB test from 1989. i am due again.
i phoned around.
place A wants $105 dollars for an office visit and $18 dollars for the TB test ($123 total).
place B wants $91 dollars, all inclusive.
place C wants $75 dollars, all inclusive.
place D wants $45 dollars, all inclusive.
place E wants $25 dollars, all inclusive.
place F wants $20 dollars, all inclusive.
place G wants $15 dollars, all inclusive.
i guess this is capitalism. it sure isn't much of a love story, unless somebody really loves making money.
after calling place G, i decided i couldn't bare to call one more place.
i'm going to place F. it's across the street from me.
so what do you think? do you need health care reform? are you getting the same care that senators get? do you even want it?
i just wanna understand why a TB test ranges in price from $123 to $15.
capitilism? smells more like greed to me.
what do you think?
i endorse the michael moore movie, capitalism: a love story.
it explains a lot!
my videos can be seen on YouTube under "franklandfields".
peace out.